The world is online. We help them know Jesus.

Digital missions has no borders. The Internet allows us to connect with people from countries that are extremely difficult to visit physically. Through continuous one-on-one follow-up and our discipleship training, we help the world know Jesus.

Our approach is simple. Content on our websites invites users to enter into a conversation with an online Christian mentor whose aim is to help them draw closer to Jesus.

We equip Christians to compassionately share the Gospel with strangers online, across the street and around the world as digital missionaries.

We create and curate digital content that invites visitors to initiate personal, confidential conversations with an online mentor about any issue they are facing.

Many Christians find it challenging to share the Gospel. They have the heart, but need to grow in empathy, confidence, prayer, and skill.

As we partner with diverse mission organizations and churches in multiple languages, we are able to connect with the spiritually lost in hard-to-reach areas throughout the 10/40 Window and beyond.

While some of our partners choose to develop their own content, we’ve also designed websites to reach people no matter where they are in their Spiritual Journey.

image representing people sharing the gospel

With our evangelism and discipleship training, we equip Christians to confidently share their faith as online missionaries - but we know that the digital mission field is just the first step. With the support and coaching of our staff, online mentors are prepared to share their faith face-to-face.

We also offer our training and mentoring platform for free to our ministry partners. Read more about The Mentor Ministry.

Evangelism is really about walking closely with Jesus ourselves in the power of the Holy Spirit and opening our hearts to others.

The Spiritual Journey

The Spiritual Journey Unaware Curious Follower Guide Meeting Trusting Becoming Open Seeking Appears Committing Walking Engaged Sharing Discipling Teaching The Spiritual Journey Our relationship to Jesus
The Spiritual Journey. ©P2C Digital Strategies

This image depicts The Spiritual Journey.

It helps us keep track of a mentee’s and mentor’s progress in It also helps us understand that most people come to Christ in a gradual way and have differing needs depending on where they are at in their journey.

Discerning their spiritual state helps us better respond to those needs.

Content that creates conversation

Every month, thousands of struggling individuals from around the world send in messages through our websites (e.g. Issues I Face) asking to journey with an online mentor. The Internet allows them to remain anonymous, so it's not uncommon for people to reveal their most painful issue in their very first message to us. This often leads straight into vulnerable and honest spiritual conversations.

It can take years to achieve this level of depth in face-to-face relationships with people who do not yet follow Jesus.

When people write in, mentors deliberately choose to adapt themselves to their state and their needs in a loving, compassionate and wise manner. We call this the Issues I Face Strategy, which is now available in several of the world’s most spoken languages thanks to our amazing network of partners! Learn more about partnering with us.

To reach as many people for Christ as possible, we partner with Christian churches and organizations to better help seekers and new Christians transition from online mentoring to local church engagement. Discover how we can work together.

You can participate by:

  1. Becoming a Mentor
  2. Partnering with us
  3. Supporting us financially
  4. Joining our team
  5. Praying for us

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