Mentors invest in the lives of others for eternity, from their own home and on their own schedule. They are Christians choose to join people on their spiritual journeys, offer them their compassionate presence, share from their life experience, suggest resources, and help them draw closer to Jesus — at any time, wherever in the world they might be.
After completing our free evangelism and discipleship training, we ask mentors to fill out a survey. Over 500 mentors responded and we found that:
— 16% were not actively sharing their faith before joining TMM
— 35% have never discipled someone before joining TMM
Although our training is translated into 24 languages, these survey results are specific to our English mentors.
This online method of mentoring people is so completely by faith. Learning to focus deeply in prayer for someone I can’t see or hear, keeps me growing in faith and intimacy with Jesus. This ministry is stretching me in a whole new way.
Jon, a new online mentor
The Mentor Ministry is helping me to grow in my faith so much. Instead of seeking out random strangers to witness to or keeping your eye out for someone who might be feeling down to comfort, they come to you already broken and open... Because it is email—you have time to think and pray about your response.
Rachel, a new online mentor
What makes The Mentor Ministry unique?
Mentor at your leisure to anyone in the world.
We help you focus on the spiritual journey. Through our training, you learn to build trust and walk alongside the other person as opposed to a one-sided gospel presentation.
You have time to pray and think before responding, a luxury you don't always have in face-to-face conversations.
You get to interact with people from around the world right from your home or office. Even countries closed to missionaries are reachable through the Internet.
You'll grow spiritually as you rely on God to listen compassionately and help people take the next step on their spiritual journey.
You get to partner with Jesus in fulfilling His great commission. Helping a person come to know Jesus is one of the most exciting things you'll ever experience.
You can remain anonymous, safe, and secure in our mentoring app.
You set your own schedule. You get to set the number of new mentees per week so you can fit mentoring into your busy life.
We have a team of support staff and many resources to help you along the way.
Our training, resources, and platform are funded by donors and are, therefore, free to use for churches, ministry partners and missionaries!
P2C Digital Strategies has developed a safe and secure forum in which to engage in conversation via text, as well as providing excellent training and support. Several lay people in our church are excited to be ministering in this context and encourage people who might otherwise never be reached with the Good News of Jesus!
Rob, Pastor of Welcoming and Missions at Creekside Church in Ontario (1,500 attendees)
I very much appreciated the amount of time and detail spent on the spiritual journey section of the training. It was especially helpful in emphasizing listening, praying, and being attentive to discovering where the other person is on their spiritual journey. This training reminded me of the importance of how we minister to others with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.
From mentor survey
What is TMM.IO?
TMM stands for ‘The Mentor Ministry’.
Mentoring gives Christians an easy, safe, and anonymous way to learn how to journey with hurting people and to share the gospel as the Holy Spirit leads.
We built, a customizable platform that facilitates secure, confidential, immediate, continuous follow-up and messaging between Christian volunteers and the people who write in. is a website that is compatible with almost every mobile device and computer, so there's no need to worry about computer system requirements, so long as the browser is up-to-date.
The Mentor Ministry is for you if...
You love Jesus and can write an email
You are looking for more joy in your walk with God
You have a desire to share the compassion and message of Christ without preaching at them
You want to be involved in missions but often face obstacles with traveling or mobility
You can discover the joy of helping people know Jesus by becoming an online mentor!
Mentees write in from our websites and social media.
The Mentor Ministry gives Christians the opportunity to actively share their faith from the comfort of their home, office, or favorite coffee shop as digital missionaries.
At P2C Digital Strategies, we are passionate about helping Christians live out the Great Commission.
We provide training, support, and resources for free. Our international partners have translated this platform into several of the world’s most spoken languages to facilitate communication for all people groups.
Our basic training consists of four modules and takes approximately 2 hours to complete, with the option to take additional specialized training.
We train Christians to think like cross-cultural field missionaries, to understand the process people follow on their journey towards Christ, and understand how they can best join these people on that journey, whatever their spiritual background or spiritual state might be. These practices done online will often transition to in-person conversations.
We help our mentors understand that evangelism is not a one-time event, nor is the transmission of a specific type of theological content intuitive.
Most of the time, sharing the Gospel is simply coming alongside someone and journeying with them in a loving and compassionate manner. When we do this, opportunities to talk about how Jesus changes lives come up naturally.
I’ve never had the opportunity to help lead someone to salvation before. Yesterday, I had the honor and privilege of leading one of my neighbors to Christ. She asked me to pray with her for salvation. God brought our friendship together. What a delight! Thank you for The Mentor Ministry. It extends even beyond the screen into real life.
Diane, francophone mentor
pastors and ministry leaders
Are you a pastor or ministry leader interested in integrating an online follow-up system into your website or ministry strategy? Do you want to amplify your online ministry? Do you desire to equip and train your people to become better disciplers and evangelists? Find out how we can help your ministry grow!
## testimonials from mentors
It’s easier to evangelize on the computer because you can pray about it and read Scripture that you want to share. Whereas talking to someone face-to-face, you might panic and go, “OK, what am I going to say next?
Carolyn, in her 60s
There's nothing about serving with The Mentor Ministry that has felt burdensome to me. It has always felt life-giving, very fulfilling, very encouraging. I think the Lord has used it to grow my trust in Him, my reliance on the Spirit. It has allowed me to practice that skill of asking, “Lord, what do you want me to share with this person?”
This is excellent training material. I learned so much about engaging people in meaningful conversation and showing empathy. I also love how the Spirit-Filled life is taught… I want to pass that on to the students in the ministry I am serving in now. Thank you!
Do you want to become confident in leading someone to Jesus? Does joy fill your heart whenever you see God answer your prayers for people in amazing ways?