Behind the Scenes

People sometimes ask us if something as remote as online mentoring can truly change lives. From time to time, God answers that question by granting us a glimpse of what he is doing behind the scenes before, during, and after certain conversations.

Anna received an email from Leanne who was reeling from her sister’s suicide.

In her first response, Anna shared this article with her, which explains how someone processed their own grief after their father’s suicide. Leanne had recently recommitted her life to Christ, so Anna shared a prayer for her and her family.

It's been over 3 years since Leanne and Anna connected. Look at what God has been teaching Leanne behind the scenes.

“The act of writing all this out in my letters to you has helped me find rest. I am beginning to feel the winter of my grief slowly melting away. My heart is warming up again.

Last week, I felt the need to reread old emails I had kept. I think the Lord probably led me to do so, because, in those emails, I found a conversation that you and I had over 3 years ago that had really helped me at the time. I was also able to see how that situation had changed over the years in response to our prayers.

The fact that I found those messages again right now and that we are writing again is a huge sign that God is with me during these difficult moments and that he was with my sister in her last moments too.” - Leanne

Anna was so encouraged by Leanne's message words. We hope this small glimpse into God's love and power encourages you too. We know he is working behind the scenes.

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