When I came to have a relationship with our Lord Jesus in my early thirties, I only understood a fraction of how much God had forgiven me. Many times, the very thought still stirs up my emotions. While operating a crop farm in southern Manitoba, the opportunities to share what Christ had done in my life would surely be limited, or so I thought.
When I was asked if I would be interested in answering spiritual questions online, little did I know that one of the first would be a Muslim from Bangladesh who would ask how he could become a Christian. After showing him how, he accepted Christ and told me that he could tell no one — no friends or family. I was all he had.
All I could say is, "Wow, what a difference this could make in the world!"
I am convinced that if we really want to see deep and lasting change in our country and around the world, then we need to change hearts. Only God can change a heart, but he can and often uses us to do it.
I picture an analogy: millions of starfish have washed up on a beach, left to die, and just one person has come along to help them. He throws one back and then another. It would be a completely overwhelming task for one. That's why P2C Digital Strategies has set a goal of equipping 5000 mentors to lead one million people closer to Jesus. When I envision 5000 people sweeping the beach of starfish, then suddenly the task seems much less overwhelming.
There is a burning desire inside me to help others experience what a wonderful difference having a relationship with Jesus Christ makes. And when I look at how easily and broadly online mentoring can make this happen, from Northern Afghanistan to Algeria, or Bangladesh, or my own city, I see how the verse which says that the gospel will be preached in the whole world, can come true today.
I think we all want this world to be a better place. So why not help do that one soul at a time?