Jesus used many parables to describe his incomparable love. One well-known story is of a shepherd who goes after one lost sheep (Luke 15:3-7). No rough terrain, wild animal, or threat of darkness would keep the shepherd from finding the sheep.
We have an unshakable promise that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Heb 13:8). Our world is anxious and full of challenges, but Jesus our shepherd still searches for lost sheep. And with digital tools for evangelism and discipleship, no border, language, or distance will keep him from finding them.
My family and I live in Orlando, FL. Previously we served with Global Digital Strategies and saw God use digital strategies to reach lost sheep. Power to Change Digital Strategies does a beautiful job of going where people are and connecting them with Jesus Christ. As I come alongside Power to Change, my passion is to help staff, mentors, and disciples globally know and grow in our Shepherd who has an unfailing love.