Journey from Addiction

Donna has been mentoring Rita for over four years now. Rita first wrote in from The Hope Line, one of P2C Digital Strategies' partners.

For over half a year, Rita was struggling in a toxic relationship and with her addiction to alcohol.

Even though Donna hadn't heard from Rita for six months, God was still at work behind the scenes.

Rita found the courage to move homes and begin therapy for her alcohol addiction. She is now sober and thriving! She is a committed mother of two boys and has them both in a safe environment.

Even better, Rita has committed her life to Jesus and is looking for a local church to join!

"I've also been praying a lot, and it feels like God has been hearing our prayers. I've been praying for God to save me, and forgive me of my sins. It's been a struggle everyday, but I've been pushing myself to fight temptations. Being sober feels great. :)" - Rita

We know that Donna plays just a small part in Rita's journey toward recovery. Praise God that he continues to work even when we might not know it!

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