A few weeks ago, Rachel* sent in a message after reading a devotional written by a member of our content team. Here's what her mentor just reported:
Rachel wrote me that she was “an atheistic Satanist, a Laveyanist to be exact. Anton Lavey is the founder of the Church of Satan.” She described her years of hatred of Christians, even to the point of dreams of killing them. She was confused, and I believe, under conviction because she had started questioning the hatred of Satanists compared to the love that was talked about in the Bible. She wrote asking for help in understanding “this God business” so she could be at peace.
After much prayer, God gave me the words, the Scriptures, and the praise songs to answer her emails and to pray with her. When I woke up this morning, through many tears and praising God for the miracle of his saving grace, I read this:
“I did it! God told me he loved me again. So I (gulps) accepted his Son as my Lord and personal Savior...I feel like I should get up on YouTube and do videos. Maybe I could take the Satanic Bible and the rest of Anton Lavey's books and lay them side by side with the Word of God. I could lead other satanists to Christ!...I hope that we meet one day. Oops! Of course we will! I want you to be the second person that I meet in heaven (after Jesus).”